2017 2020 Ashcott Bombyliidae Chrysomelidae Coleoptera Devon Diptera Entertainment Eristalis tenax Fritillaria Ham Wall RSPB wildlife reserve Holarctic January Landscape photography Lilioceris lilii Lilium May Mimas tiliae Misumena vatia Moment Photography Monday Otiorhynchus sulcatus Palearctic realm Performing September Somerset photographer Somerset photography Sphingidae Sport abandoned abdomen above abstract abstract background abundance abundant acceleration achievement action active activities adjoining adorable adrenalin adult adult animal adults adults only adventure aegean aerial aerials aerobatic aerobatics africa african agility agriculture ailurus air air force air show air vehicle aircraft airforce airplane airshow alhambra alhambra palace alley alleyway alligator alone altitude aluminum amazing ambush americas amulet anatolia anchored ancient andalucia andalusia andalusia beach andalusian angular animal animal head animals annoying antalya antenna antennae anthropod antipodean antique aoraki mount cook apartment apartment building apartments aqua aquatic arabic arachnid arachnophobia arboreal arch archaeology archeology arches architectural architecture architecture and buildings archway armoured arrangement arrow arse art arthropod arthropoda arthropods artisan artistic asia asian asleep ass assabica atmosphere attached attraction attractions attractive aus aussie australasia australia authentic autumn autumn colors autumn colours autumn leaf color aves avian aviation awe awesome baby pink back alley backdrop background backgrounds backlit backpacking balance balconies balcony ball ballon balloon ballooning bamboo banded bark barle river barle valley barn barn owl baroque barrel roll barren basket basking batanta bay bay of fires bay of fires tasmania beach beach scene beach sunset beady eye beak beam bear beard beautiful beautiful day beauty bee bee fly bees beetle beewhals behind behind the clouds belfry bell bend big big cat bike biker billy billygoat biology bird bird feathers bird of prey bird watching birds birdwatch birdwatching bite black black and white black head black stem bland blank blanket of snow bleak blinds blooded bloom blooming blooms blossom blue blue peacock blue sea blue skies blue sky blue tree monitor blue water blur blurred blurred motion boat bog boggy soil bonding bonfire border borneo botanic botanical botanical gardens botanist botany bottom boulders bouquet boy branch branches brave breakfast breast bred breed bridge bridgwater photographer bright brisk bristle britain british british countryside broad brown brown owl bubble bug bug eyes building buildings bumpy ride bush butcher butterfly buzz cactus calm calmness cambodia camouflage canada canyon cappadocia cappadocian capricorn captivity car cargo carnivorans carnivore carnivorous carpet carrera del darro carriage carved castaway castle cat catch cathedral catholicism cattle cave cavusin ceanothus ceramic pots ceremony chalk challenge championship changing chaos chard charm charming cheddar cheddar gorge cheese cherry tree chicken child chilean chill chill out chilly china chinese christianity christmas church circle circuit city cityscape civilization classical clay clay pot clean clean water cleaning clear clear water cliff cliffs climb climbing clock close close up close-up closed closeup cloth clothing clou cloud cloudcover clouds cloudscape cloudy cloudy sky cluck clucking coarse hair coast coast path coastal coastline cobbled path cobbled street cobbled streets cock cockadoodledoo cockerel cockrel coconut cold colonnade color color image colorful colour coloured windows colourful colours column columns comical commercial compete competition competitive sport compound eye compound eyes concrete conservation construction contrast control cool coop coordinated copy space copyspace cordate corn fed cosmos flower cothelstone hill cotton country country life countryside couple couples courage court courtship courtyard craft craftsman crash helmet crawl crawling crazy creative creature creek creepy creepy crawly crest cricket croc crocodile crocodilia crocodilians cross cross country crowded building cruise cultural culture cultures curiosity curious curl curve cute cycle cyclist d dahlia dairy daisy dancing danger dangerous dappled sunlight daring darter date dawn day day off daydream daylight daytime dead debris december deciduous decorated decoration decorative decorative flower deep deep colours deep freeze deep snow defense deforestation delicate delivery department of conservation deserted design desolate destination detail determination devoid dirt dirt bike dirt road dirtbike dirty discovering discovery disjointed display distribution diurnal diverse doc dock dockyard dome domestic donkey donkey harness donkey ride donkey tails dont look down door doorways dormant dorset dorset coast dorset walks down under dragon dragonfly dramatic dream dreams dreamy driving drone fly droppings dry snow dulverton dunny durdle door dusk dust dwelling dwellings early early morning ears earth east east coast tasmania east european ural owl eastern eat eating eating apple eats slugs ecology ecotourism effect egg layer egg laying eggs egirdir eight el peinador de las reina elegance elegant emotion empire empty emu enchanting endangered endangered species enduro energy engangered engine england english english coast english countryside english mammal englsh engraved entrance environment ephesus equestrian equine equipment eroded erosion escape eurasia eurasian europe european evening event evil evil eye evolution exhibition exmoor exmoor national park exoskeleton exotic exotic holiday expanse experiment expertise explore exploring export exterior extrafloral nectaries extreme extreme sports extreme terrain extremesport eye eyes fabric facade facades face faeces fairy chimney fairy chimneys fall colors false family famous fan fantasy far away farm farm animal farm fields farming farmland fashion fast fat fauna fear fear of heights feather feathers feathery feeding feeding wildlife feline female female animal fence fern fertiliser festive fethiye fiber field fields fighters finding finger fish fishery fishing fishing boat flamingo flare flat cap fleas fleece flight flightless flightless bird flora floral florist flourishing flow flower flower petals flower pot flower pots flowerbed flowerhead flowerpot flowerpots flowers flowing flowing water fluffy fly flycatcher flying flying insect flypast foal foliage follow following food footpath footprints footsteps for foraging force forest formation formations fort fortified hilltop fortress fossil fossils fountain four legged fowl fox prey fragile fragility free free range freedom freeride freestyle freeze freezing freight freight car freight train freight-train french ridge fresh fresh air freshness freshwater frightening frigid front frost frosty frozen fun funny fur furry galvanised garage garden garden pests garden-spider gardening gate gavial gavialidae gaze gear generalife geological geology geometric ghana gharial gift girl glacial water glass glassware glistening globe glow goals goat god gold golden golden hour golden rod crab spider good goreme gorge gorgeous graceful granada grand grand scale granddad grandfather grass grasshopper grassland gray graze grazing grazing sheep great britain green green glow.late afternoon green shield bug greenery greenwood grey grey heron grid grill grills gross group group of people grow growing growth grumpy grunge grungy gulet h2o habitat hair hairy halloween halyomorpha halyomorpha halys ham hand handcraft handmade handwork hanging happy harbor harbour harness hat hawkridge reservoir hdr head headwear healthy heaven heavenly heavens above hedge hedgehog helmet helophilus hen herbaceous herbivore heritage heron hexapoda hibernation hidden sun high high dynamic range high up hike hiking hiking england hill hills hillside hilly hippie hippy historic historical history hoar frost hoarfrost hobby hog holford holiday holiday home holiday let holidays home homemade homes honey bee hoof hoofed animal hooker valley hooves hope horizon horizontal horn horned hornet horns horse horticulture hot hotch potch house houses hover hover fly hover-fly hoverflies hoverfly hue hungry hunt hunter hunting ice idyllic illuminate illuminated in incline indonesia indonesian industrial industry infrastructure inquisitive insect insect legs insects inspirational intense invention wood invertebrate iridescent iron ironwork irritant islam islamic island isolated isparta istanbul izmir jack frost japan java jaw jerez de la frontera jerez malaga jet jewelry journey jump jurassic jurassic coast jurrasic coast juvenile kapadokya kilve beach komodo dragon komodo island korea kusadasi labor lady ladybird ladybug lake lamp landing landmark landscape landscape format lane lantern large large eggs late evening late in the day layers leaf leaftravel leafy leather leaves leg legs leisure lenses library lichen life lifestyle light ligularia ligularia przewalskii lily beetle eggs lily beetle larvae lime lime hawk moth limestone line lines liquid little livestock lizard locomotive locust log logistic logistics lonely long long drop long eared owl long exposure long-eared long-tailed looking looking back looking down looking up loom loud love lovely low light low maintenance luck lucky lulworth lupins lush lush foliage m machine macro macro shot magic magical maintenance majestic malaga malaga cathedral malay malayan malaysia malaysian male male peaock mammal mammals man mane maneuver mannerism manufacture manufacturing marble marbled effect mare marine maritime marmaris marmorated marsh marsh wood massive mate material mating matukituki valley meadow meat medieval mediterranean mediterranean city mediterranean houses mendip mendip hills metal metallic metamorphosis micro middle aged middle east mijas military milk mimic mode of transport modern modern spanish monitor monitor lizard monkey monkeys monster montbretia monument moody moorish moorland moped morning morning call moss moth mother and son mother nature motion moto motocross motocycle motor motor scooter motorbike motorcross motorcross stunts motorcycle motorcycle racing motorcyclist motorsport mountain mountain clouds mountaineering mountains mountaintop mountaintops moving mud muddled muddy mueller lake multi-colored background multicolored multiple muslim mutton mx mystic mythology napping narrow narrow street nasrid fortification nasrid palaces national park natural natural beauty nature nautical nazar near wanaka neck nectar needle neighborhood neighbourhood nerja nerja spain nevsehir new new day new zealand nib nigeria night nighttime nile no leaves no people no-one nobody nocturnal noisy non urban north island nose numerous nymphal oap object obsolete ocean off road offroad offroad racing oil old old man old men old spanish street old town old'mature old-fashioned oludeniz omo forest reserve on the move one one animal orange orange roof organic organic farming ornam ornament ornamental ornate ostrich out out of date out of focus out of focus background outdoo outdoor outdoor photography outdoor table outdoors outdoors view outside overhead owl owl brown owl owls pa pacific paddock pain painterly pair pair of sheep palace palace of charles v palacios palm palm tree palms palmtree palomena palomena prasina panda panes panorama panoramic panorma panthera paradise parallel park park bench part passion pasture path pathway patio pattern patterns patterns background paved pavements paving peace peaceful peach peach walls peacock peacock feather peacock feathers peacock pattern peacocks peafowl peak pebble pebbly peck pembrokeshire pen pendulus peninsula pensioner pentatomidae people people in the sun perched perching perennial perforated person pest pet petal petals phobia picnic picnic table picturesque piggy pigs pillar pillars pillow pilots pilsdon penn pink pink flower pink nose places plain planes planet plant plant care plants plumage plumages pointy pollen pollution pond ponies pony pool poor visibility popular pork port porthmawr portrait portrait format positive possum postcard pot pots poultry power power cables powerful practicing prasina precision predator preening pretty prey prickles prickly pride primate pristine proboscis production property protea protect protected protected animal protection psychedelia psychedelic psychedelic pattern pupa pupae purity purple puzzle like quaint quantock hills quantocks quiet quiet street quill race racer racing raf rail railroad railroad track railway rain rain-forest rainbow rainforest rambling random raptor rays rays of light real estate reconstruction recreation recreational pursuit rectangles red red arrows red oxide red sunflower redbreast reed reflection refraction relationsip relax relaxation relaxed relaxing religion religious remote remote toilet renaissance renovation repair repeating reproduction reptile reptiles reptilia reserve residence residential resort restful relaxation resting restoration retro rider riding ripple risk ritual river river bank river barle riverbank riverside road roadside roadtrip robin rock rock climbing rock formations rocket rockformations rocks rocky rodent roll roller rolling hills roman romantic roof roofs rooftops rooster rooster red rough fur round royal royal air force rug rugged ruin ruins rural rural england russia rust rustic rusty sacred sail sailboat sailing sakhalin saltwater sanctuary sand sandstone sandy saplings saturated saturation savannah scale scandinavia scarlet scarlet beetle scarlet beetle eggs scary scavenger scene scenery scenic schlegelii scooter scruffy sculpture sea sea water seascape seashore seaside season seasonal secure security sediment sedum sedum herbstfreude seeds segments selcuk serene serrate service setting settlement sexual dimorphism shade shadow shadows shaggy shallow depth of field shapes sheep shell shield shield bug shieldbug shine ship ship yard shipbuilder shipbuilding shipment shipping shipyard shop shore shoreline show showing shutter shuttered shy siberia siberian side side street side view sidewalk sierra leone sightseeing sign signage silence silhouette silver single sitting skies skill skin sky skyline sleep slope slow small small flowers smell smelling smoke snout snouts snow snow cover snow covered snow fall snow grass snowfall snowflakes snowy snowy field snowy mountains snowy weather soap soap bubbles soft soft light solitude somerset somerset life somerset winter songbird south south coast south island south west south west england southern southern spain souvenir space spain spanish spanish flag spaxton species specimen speckled bush cricket spectacular spectrum speed spider spikes spikey spiky spines spiny spiritual spirituality sports equipment sports helmet sports race sports training spotted spread spring squadron square squares stained glass stairs standing steel steep steep hill stem steps still sting stinger stink stink bug stinky stock stone stone street stone wall stonework storage store storm strange strata street streets strigidae strigiformes string striped stripes strix strix uralensis strix uralensis uralensis strong structure stunning stunt stunts stunts bike style stylish stylish flower stylus sub zero sulawesi crested macaque sumatra sumatran summer summer holiday summertime summit sun sunbathing sunbeam sunbeams sunday sundown sunflower sunlight sunny sunny day sunrise sunset sunset beach sunset sky sunshine supercross superstition supply surface surreal swamp swampy sweater swim swimming swine swirl swirl pattern symbol sympetrum striolatum syrphid syrphidae tactical taiga tail tails talisman tall tarr steps tasman sea tasmania tasmanian team team athletes teamwork teeth temple terracotta terrain terrarium textile texture textured thailand the north face thorax thread three tide tied up tiger tiled roof tiled roofs tiles time share timeshare tiny tiwai island together toilet tomistoma tomistominae tool top tornado tortoiseshell tour road trip tourism tourism travel tourist tourist attraction touristic tourists tower town townscape track trade tradition traditional traditional houses trail trailbike train train car training tramp tranqui tranquil tranquil beautiful tranquility translucent transparent transport transportation travel travelling tree tree branch trees trek trekking trippy tropical tropical climate trunk tube tunnel turkey turkish turquois turquoise tv tv addicts tv signal twig twilight two typical uk under threat unesco unesco world heritage site unfold uninhabited united kingdom unkempt unroll unusual unwind up upwards upwards view ural ural mountains ural owl uralensis urals urban vacation vacations valley valley view vapor vapour variety vegetation vehicle veins venetian blinds vertical vessel vibrant view view point viewpoint views villa village vine weevil vintage vista vivid voyage vulnerable wading wading bird waggon wagon waiting wake up call wales walk walk the dog walking walking behind walking in dorset walking stick walks walkway wall walled gardens of cannington wallpaper walls wanderlust warm warm light wasp water water bird watercourse waterfall waters edge waterway waves weather weathered weave weaver weaving welsh welsh beach welsh holiday wet wetland wheel whiskers whispy whistler white white cliffs white rock white sand white sky white walls whitesands beach whitewashed wild wild animal wild cat wild flowers wild flowers cosmos flower wild horse wild life wild pony wildcat wilderness wildflower wildlife wildlife conservation wildlife photography wildlife safari wimbleball wimbleball lake winding streets window windows wing winged wings wings closed winter winter landscape winter scene winter time winter walk winter wonderland wintertime wintry wire wires wisdom wise withypool woman wonderful wonderland wood wooded wooden wooden boat woodland woods wool woolly coat work workplace world heritage site worship woven xmas yacht yachting yard yarn yellow yellow and black yellow crab spider young zoo zoology
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Goreme Turkey
Looking down from a hot air balloon in the early morning at simple homes in Goreme

Goreme Turkey
Looking down from a hot air balloon in the early morning at simple homes in Goreme

Goreme Turkey
Looking down from a hot air balloon in the early morning at homes and cave dwellings in Goreme

Goreme Turkey
Looking down from a hot air balloon in the early morning at homes and cave dwellings in Goreme

Goreme Turkey
Looking down from a hot air balloon in the early morning at homes and cave dwellings in Goreme

Goreme Turkey
Looking down from a hot air balloon in the early morning at interesting rock formations in Goreme
©2025 Moment Photography
01278 451 089 / 07891 422 573